September 30, 2010

Olympiad R9

Malaysia met Andorra this round. Well, it was rather unfortunate that we lost 1.5-2.5, but it's not shocking. Mas may be a strong player, but at the end of the day, his opponent is the one with the GM title, and it stands for something. Mok and Khai Boon again demonstrated the weakness of Malaysian players: openings. Mok played strangely in the Tarrasch, reaching a non-theoretical (if I'm not mistaken) position by the 10th move, and got into a position where I cannot say he has an advantage; in fact, he was probably worse because of his weak c5 pawn. Khai Boon erred when he violated opening principles, costing him a pawn and reaching a completely lost position by the 15th move. Peter did well to win his game.

I guess fatigue is demonstrating itself wholly in the Malaysian team now.