October 1, 2010

The problem with us

I find it stupid when people try to defend our team's overall disastrous performance in this year's Olympiad. Really people, stop trying to be nice. Our players played like shit. Stop sucking up to them by giving them excuses for losing. And if you want to defend them, at least blame it on the fact that we have no reserve players. I cannot stand people who try to be Mr. Nice Guy. Yes, maybe your dick-sucking words to our poor players will make them feel better. But you know what else it makes them feel? Adequate. You make them think that it was perfectly acceptable to lose. Guess what: it's not.

Someone blundered in time trouble. It's not their fault? Then whose is it? The clock, for not reminding our players to play faster? Open your eyes, my friends; did nobody tell you that time management was a skill in chess?

"Don't criticize each other's performance...", etc. Phrases like these make me want to kill someone. Why can't we criticize each other's performance? Are we only allowed to praise them? "Wow, Greg, nice comeback after a 8-year hiatus!" is willingly said by many, but yet, nobody wants to say, "Greg, what the hell were you doing in your second game in this tournament? Were you fatigued after your first?". Do you know what happens when you count the hits but not the misses? You believe in paranormal things. Psychics. Pseudoscience. Crap like that.

"They were doing their best"? Seriously, do you think about anything you say? In case you didn't click on it, we're ranked 106 with 1 round to go. That's 20 ranks below our initial seeding. If that's really our best, then it means we're overrated. Do you think we're overrated? No? Then they weren't doing their best.

We need to give them a break? Yeah, you know what a break is? Not playing. That's a break. There's competition for their places out there. It's also what drives them to perform.

And the worse thing about it is that our players probably know that they played badly. Your fucking excuses are not going to do anything, except make yourself feel like the angel of conscience. What your lame, unnecessary excuses will do is cause people to unconsciously think that it came from the players themselves. And you know what happens when someone gives you a lame excuse? You scold them more. So to the Mr.-Nice-Guy-political-assholes: Shut the fuck up. Your detrimental words of kindness are just going to cause our players more shit.

In case it's not apparent yet, I just want to highlight: The only reason why you're defending our team's performance is because you want to feel good. You never bring up the bad points because most people don't like the truth, and you want people to like you just as much as you don't want people to dislike you.

And you know what else? There's a 99.9% chance that you're just a fucking hypocrite if you talk like that. How much are you willing to bet that you are the type of person who never scolds his teammates in team tournaments if they underperform? That's a rhetorical question, mind you.

So now that I'm done beating (or smashing/blasting/f-bombing) around the bush: What's our problem (apart from these...)? It's the attitude. Plain and simple. We keep on making excuses for ourselves when we lose. And when we don't, some nice guy out there makes them for us. And in case it's not clear yet, excuses are bad.


P/S: I care so much about what you think of "me". And I don't need to enable comments, Hairul. I already know what comments I'm going to get. Do none of you actually digest my posts? [Spoiler: read here]

P-P/S: You don't like my usage of vulgarities or not-so-nice words? Are you joking? This isn't fucking poetry. If you want to see beautiful language, go read Shakespeare.