October 4, 2010

Who am I?

Honestly, I don't know why some of you guys keep speculating about who I really am. Does it really matter? Well, maybe it's none of my business either. Actually, I'm rather flattered that people continue to talk about me despite the fact that I've only made like, at most, 10 posts with some substance over the last 6 months.

I find it rather incredible that some people think they know who I am, considering the fact that even I have problems answering that question myself sometimes. First it was just the small time lurkers and bloggers, then slightly more well-known people, e.g. Lim Tse Pin who implies that I'm Lim Yee Weng by dropping obvious "hints", and others who just make random guesses: Joseph Toh, Najib Wahab, Collin Madhavan, Christie Hon...I'll die of old age before I complete the list. Here's something to consider: there is a chance that one of you are right; the only question is, if that's the case, which one of you are?

Don't forget that your earlier guesses were Gregory Lau and Peter Long. I had to make a comment on Jimmy's blog while they were playing for everyone to be actually convinced that I'm not Peter or Greg. To add to that, may I remind you that a handful of you were so confident that I was Peter because of my writing style.

It's ridiculous; recently our famous Hairul claimed that he knows who I am (and that I am still playing chess), but will not say in fear that I still stop writing, and that's bad because he enjoys reading what I have to say. Well, to this, I can only ask you to stop insulting my ability to think, and tell you, that while you may enjoy my posts, you've obviously not fully understood what I've said (read the last paragraph). Bro, I have my own defense mechanism if I ever feel myself get exposed. Don't worry about me. Just think of your ego once you turn out to be wrong. Think about it too though; if I really thought that anyone knew who I am with 100% certainty (unlike the apparent 99% which is demonstrated by most), would I really continue to write? I would just stop, and build up my deniability. Don't try to say you're protecting me or something similar. I don't need it. Goddamn it too, it's like a freaking paradox. If you're really trying to protect me, don't tell anyone that you know who I am.

If you think you know who I am, spit it out, or shut the fuck up. It's like deciding what to do with your vomit. You either keep it in or let it out. Unless you enjoy gargling it.

And looking at that, let's make a small detour too; a message for most of you bloggers out there: your overconfidence just makes you look dumber than you really are. You post your analyses of your shitty games. You even have the ego to annotate a blitz game you played online. In other words, you spent more time annotating a game than playing it. And then you even post the dry crap that you played in a small-time local tournament. Maybe you thought it was a good game. Wake up call: It wasn't. It's nonsense that makes me shit bricks if I ever see people comment on it in the real world. Then to make your commentary more interesting (or rather, make any sense at all), your "analysis" is "assisted" by a chess engine. FYI, the inverted commas are to represent sarcasm; all of your "analysis" is taken straight from the engine's recommendation. Nobody takes interest in what your engine thinks, or Fritz/Rybka opening book says. The rest of us have a computer and access to pirated software too. In addition to that, your variations are unnecessarily long. I know what's going to happen to my queen when you put a rook between her and my king. You don't need to tell me that "white is winning" after showing the next 7 moves. And your commentary is stuff of Captain Obvious. I know that black is going to lose an exchange when white played Nxc7+.

Back on topic, here's some things I can bet that most of you guys have never considered:

1. Was I really giving you real information in my introductory post? Who knows, maybe I'm unrated, both on and off FIDE.

2. Am I only one person?

3. Am I still living in Malaysia? Am I still Malaysian? Was I even Malaysian at any point?

4. Do I even have a job? I seem to make posts at totally random times of the day, many of which are during working hours.

It's also incredibly intriguing that every single one of you make your "deduction" with such confidence, when all but one of your guesses from an endless list of names will be wrong. But one thing, honestly, boils the hell out of my curiosity: What are your guesses based on? My style of writing? Come on, that stuff doesn't work. Professionals do stuff like this for the FBI, and they almost never lead to breakthroughs. There are usually better things to go on. Besides, my writing style changes with every few posts, in case you didn't realize.

Here's some outside help for you guys. It's what your guesses about my identity are based on. And this will be too, though I still have infinite confidence of my anonymity thanks to your gullibility.

Yes, I am mocking your attempts to guess who I am.

P/S: Are you guys going to suggest that I'm Raymond Siew this time, based on the second last paragraph?